The Homestead Press began in 2000 as a small publishing endeavor with the mission to bring practical information on independent living subjects to folks who are looking for ways to live more sustainably. The Press is growing, and as our catalog expands and adapts to a world quickly changing, we remain true to that mission.
Our business has its heart firmly where its headlines are. It runs as a small family business. Everyone here works from his or her home, with kids, spouses, chickens, horses, gardens, pressure canners, wood stoves, solar panels, and compost heaps often as much a part of the office complex as a computer and printer. We are serious about supporting our writers and staff in making a living from the farm, ranch, or homestead. Every book sold brings money directly to help our network of writers, editors, and graphic designers who strive to prove the topics of our books are viable and imperative to the health of our communities and environment.
We use Print On Demand technology so that each book that is printed has a home and the waste of so many unwanted books will not litter our landfills. Our commutes tend to be from the kitchen to the office or dining room table, further reducing the carbon footprint of this publishing house.
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